Sunday, November 6, 2011


Late October of this year I decided to do the R2R2R of the Grand Canyon.  In years past I've had training partners invite me to go.  I never accepted their offers, never felt that special urge for the Canyon.  However, that changed this year and I decided to do this epic run...solo.

I'm pretty much in shape year round so the only training that I needed was mental based.  I used two books, OVER THE EDGE; DEATH IN THE GRAND CANYON and GRAND CANYON COMPANION including YouTube videos to obtain better knowledge of the trail and the canyon itself.

The travel logistics were easy enough.  Book a flight and a hotel room.  Then rent a car and drive north to the Grand Canyon.

The running logistics were straightforward too.  Drop into the Canyon using the Bright Angel Trail, cross the river and up to the North Rim using the North Kaibab Trail (23 miles).  Then turn around and retrace my steps (total mileage = 46).

Over 600 people have died in the canyon since John Wesley Powell first explored it.  Some 250 people are rescued per year for various reasons too.  If you need a helicopter extraction it will cost $4,000, so one should be prepared.

I ran self-supported using a 2L camel back and a handheld.  10 - 12 gels and 3 bars.  I would use the Colorado River and creeks for water if any of my water sources were closed.  Plus I knew there was food at Phantom Ranch if I needed additional calories.

I started unceremoniously down the Bright Angel Trail at 5:30AM.  Taking my time with the descent.  Stopping when I wanted to absorb the beauty of this place, especially at sunrise.  I reached the North Rim in 6 hours and changed, snapped a photo and started back.  Temperatures at the start was 34 degrees and 85 degrees by mid-day at the bottom of the canyon. 

Nothing eventful took place during my run.  I did shorten my route by taking South Kaibab Trail back up to the South Rim.  Making my total mileage 43.  My time 13:51.


Anonymous said...

Yet another great JPRO training challenge completed! Sounds like an amazing experience!

Anonymous said...

Did you find any water sources besides the river and the creeks?